Minecraft Bedrock Commands Translator

Translate from Normal Language into Minecraft Bedrock Commands

Normal LanguageMinecraft Bedrock Commands

This translator bridges the gap between natural language and the precise syntax of Minecraft Bedrock commands. It understands a wide range of requests, from simple item commands to complex player manipulation. The program utilizes a sophisticated algorithm to parse natural language input, analyzing keywords and context to generate the correct Bedrock commands. This includes implicit actions like "give" being interchangeable with the command "/give". The end goal is to free players from the cumbersome task of writing long and specific commands, allowing them to use their familiar language to interact with the commands system. Results will often require more than one command, highlighting the differences between natural language and the exactness of Minecraft command syntax.

Example Translations

Normal Language
"Put a redstone lamp on the block behind me"
Minecraft Bedrock Commands
"/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ redstone_lamp"
Normal Language
"Teleport to Greg"
Minecraft Bedrock Commands
"/tp @p[name=Greg]"
Normal Language
"Find the iron golem in the village"
Minecraft Bedrock Commands
"/execute in minecraft:village find entity[type=minecraft:iron_golem] run..."
Normal Language
"Kill all nearby monsters"
Minecraft Bedrock Commands
"/kill @e[type=!player,distance=..10]"
Normal Language
"Give an Apple to the player in front"
Minecraft Bedrock Commands
"/give @p[x=~ - 1] minecraft:apple 1"
Normal Language
"Set the block above you to lava"
Minecraft Bedrock Commands
"/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:lava"

Similar Translators

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#$%^&*() to 01234567 respectively
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
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"I'm happy"
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normal language
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"I love you very much"
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"Soft, repeating cooing sounds and gentle, rhythmic pats."
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"Hello Goodbye Thank you Soccer Apple Running Table"