Vermont English Translator
Translate from Normal Language into Vermont English
Normal LanguageVermont English
This translator is designed to capture the unique character of Vermont English. While rooted in standard English, it infuses the output with local vocabulary, regionalisms, and a relaxed conversational tone. The translator differentiates itself from other general English-to-English tools by its specific focus on local colloquialisms, idioms, and the cadence common to Vermont. Utilizing extensive data sets of Vermont speech patterns, the translator aims to reflect the authenticity of Vermont English, thereby offering a personalized translation style compared to tools that offer a broader range of standard English.
Example Translations
Normal Language
"I'm feeling good today."
Vermont English
"I'm feelin' fine."
Normal Language
"I want a cup of coffee"
Vermont English
"I'd like a cuppa joe."
Normal Language
"It's a beautiful day outside."
Vermont English
"It's a purdy day out."
Normal Language
"Let's go for a hike."
Vermont English
"Let's go for a jaunt in the woods."
Normal Language
"I've got to leave now."
Vermont English
"I'd best be goin'."
Normal Language
"You're welcome."
Vermont English
"You're very welcome."