American Translator

Translate from Normal Language into American

Normal LanguageAmerican

This translator focuses on recreating the American conversational style. It analyzes the input sentence's meaning and tone, aiming to produce an equivalent American phrase. This includes recognizing subtleties in phrasing, which gives the translated text a more natural and authentic feel. Examples could include translating "You're doing great!" to "You're killing it!" or "Let's catch up sometime" to "Let's grab a bite sometime". The translator prioritizes the tone and intent behind the original language, ensuring the Americanized translation conveys the same sentiment as accurately as possible.

Example Translations

Normal Language
"I'm really excited."
"I'm stoked!"
Normal Language
"Please be careful."
"Watch out!"
Normal Language
"I'd love to talk later."
"I'd love to chat later!"
Normal Language
"It's a pleasure."
"My pleasure."
Normal Language
"Not a problem."
"No problem."
Normal Language
"That was helpful."
"That was cool!"

Similar Translators

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"I'm stoked for the party tonight!"
Normal Language
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"Bon dia, con ta bai?"
Normal Language
"I am happy to see you."
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"I dey happy to see you."
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"Meeting super productive, you know? Like, totally productive, like, totally."
Normal Language
"I am going to the store."
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Normal Language
"I am feeling very tired today."
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"Aaj toh main bahut thakk gaya hu."
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"I had a fine time in the summer holidays"
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"I had a wonderful time during the summer holidays"
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"My dearest"
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"The study revealed a statistically significant correlation between..."
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Normal Language