English Singapore Translator

Translate from Normal Language into English Singapore

Normal LanguageEnglish Singapore

The English Singapore Translator provides a translation that captures the essence of conversations and text from Singapore. Utilizing local expressions and cultural references, the output strives to faithfully reflect real-world English Singaporean language. This differentiates it from standard English translations by aiming for an authentic, relatable, and conversational tone. The translator understands the nuances in using local jargon for both written and spoken interactions. It offers a concise and precise translation incorporating the relevant contextual and cultural factors.

Example Translations

Normal Language
"Good job!"
English Singapore
Normal Language
"Very good"
English Singapore
"Very good!"
Normal Language
"What are you doing?"
English Singapore
"Apa yang kau buat?"
Normal Language
English Singapore
Normal Language
"Are you okay?"
English Singapore
"Awak okay?"
Normal Language
English Singapore

Similar Translators

Normal Language
"The weather today is exceptionally pleasant."
"The weather today is totally awesome!"
Normal Language
"The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon."
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"The meet is tomorrow, afternoon."
"I am happy"
Normal Language
"The weather is pleasant today"
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"By the heavens, what a delightful meteorological display! The very air whispers harmonious symphonies!"
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"וְהָאָדָם יֵשְׁתַּחוּ לְאֱלֹהִים"
"And man shall worship God"
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"I'll be dashed!"
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"I'll be damned!"
"In consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged..."
Normal Language
"In exchange for what is agreed upon below, and other good reasons, which are acknowledged as valid..."
"K6, Svetni, DekanBiznes, DRT 1, Kino, Biznes"
"Page 6, World, Dean's Business, DRT 1, Movies, Business"
Normal Language
Nemleneśz mer kut jaizkieneśz rèf
"bàf zic' yèk'"
Normal Language
"Guten Tag"
German in Runes
"ᚷʊᛏʊɴ ᛏ🇦ᚷ"
Normal Language
Hebrew with Latin Alphabet
"שלום (Shalom)"