If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish Translator

Translate from Normal Language into If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish

Normal LanguageIf Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish

This translator endeavors to capture the essence of John Wycliffe's approach to translating biblical texts into Middle English. It aims to replicate some of that style's notable characteristics, such as its sometimes clunky or poetic constructions, and the unique vocabulary choice reflective of the 14th-century English context. Crucially, while considering historical accuracy, as this is fictional Old Spanish, it also freely incorporates elements of poetic license and a nuanced vocabulary range in the translated output. The goal is not perfect linguistic accuracy of 14th-century Spanish, but a creative interpretation of what a Wycliffe-style translation into that language might have resembled, preserving the spirit of his methods.

Example Translations

Normal Language
"peace be with you"
If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish
"paz sea con vos"
Normal Language
"eat your bread"
If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish
"comed vuestro pan"
Normal Language
"love one another"
If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish
"amad los unos a los otros"
Normal Language
"the kingdom of heaven"
If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish
"el reino del cielo"
Normal Language
"in the beginning"
If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish
"en el comienzo"
Normal Language
"the Lord is my shepherd"
If Wycliffe Spoke Old Spanish
"el Señor es mi pastor"

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