Woke English Translator

Translate from Normal Language into Woke English

Normal LanguageWoke English

This translator aims to move beyond simple word-for-word substitutions, instead focusing on recasting sentences and phrases to reflect a more nuanced and conscious understanding of the world. It acknowledges the impact of language on shaping perceptions and promotes the use of language that reflects a commitment to social justice and equity. The core concepts driving this transformation are intersectionality, anti-racism, and environmental awareness. It adapts language to resonate with a contemporary social consciousness, fostering dialogue and understanding.

Example Translations

Normal Language
"He is a good person."
Woke English
"S/he demonstrates positive qualities."
Normal Language
"The poor people..."
Woke English
"The marginalized community..."
Normal Language
"She is excellent."
Woke English
"They exhibit exceptional qualities."
Normal Language
"The company is profitable"
Woke English
"The organization is experiencing financial success."
Normal Language
"The rich man"
Woke English
"A wealthy individual"
Normal Language
"A beautiful woman"
Woke English
"A person whose aesthetic appeals."

Similar Translators

Normal Language
"The new CEO is a great leader."
"The new CEO is a transformative leader who champions equitable practices and is committed to dismantling systemic inequities."
Normal Language
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Non Binarily Binary
"They/Them traversed the market and procured sustenance. They/Them reveled in the outcome."
"Hello, how are you?"
"Salus, quomodo valetis?"
Normal Language
"Hello, how are you?"
serbian cyrillic
"Здраво, како си?"
1800s in ireland
"The famine brought hardship and despair to many."
"The Great Hunger brought hardship and desperation to numerous individuals."
"I am happy"
Normal Language
"The weather is pleasant today"
earth-vexing coxcomb
"By the heavens, what a delightful meteorological display! The very air whispers harmonious symphonies!"
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"וְהָאָדָם יֵשְׁתַּחוּ לְאֱלֹהִים"
"And man shall worship God"
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"I'll be dashed!"
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"I'll be damned!"
"In consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged..."
Normal Language
"In exchange for what is agreed upon below, and other good reasons, which are acknowledged as valid..."
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"Page 6, World, Dean's Business, DRT 1, Movies, Business"