Estuary English Translator

Translate from Normal Language into Estuary English

Normal LanguageEstuary English

This Estuary English translator is designed for those aiming to communicate with a regional accent or to understand text from the area. It captures the subtle variations in phrasing and turns of phrase common to this regional dialect, while making sure the translation is easy to understand for non-native speakers. By mastering grammatical nuances and localized vocabulary, this tool facilitates communication with locals or anyone seeking to communicate authentically within the social contexts involving this dialect, maintaining an accurate representation of the dialect's characteristics. It's ideal for authors, filmmakers, and anyone interacting with that localized language.

Example Translations

Normal Language
"I am very tired."
Estuary English
"I'm knackered."
Normal Language
"Have you seen my keys?"
Estuary English
"Have you spotted me keys?"
Normal Language
"What do you want?"
Estuary English
"What you after?"
Normal Language
"It's cold out."
Estuary English
"It's a bit nippy."
Normal Language
"She's really friendly."
Estuary English
"She's a right sweetie."
Normal Language
"Good job!"
Estuary English
"Well done!"

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