Fast Caveman Translator

Translate from Normal Language into Fast Caveman

Normal LanguageFast Caveman

This translator emulates the communication style of early humans, relying on robust verbs, concise nouns, and crucial adjectives to get the core idea across. It is a tool for rapid communication, where nuance and complex sentences are unnecessary. Think basic commands and urgent pronouncements in a primal tongue. The translator does not account for dialects, tone or style variations within the caveman language.

Example Translations

Normal Language
"I am hungry"
Fast Caveman
Normal Language
"Where is the food?"
Fast Caveman
"Food? Where?"
Normal Language
"The sun is shining brightly"
Fast Caveman
"Sun big, shine!"
Normal Language
"I am very happy"
Fast Caveman
"Happy me, very!"
Normal Language
"Beautiful flower"
Fast Caveman
"Flower, pretty."
Normal Language
"Come quickly."
Fast Caveman
"Come fast!"

Similar Translators

Normal Language
"Please explain the lesson plan for tomorrow's class."
Special Education Speak
"Can you please show us the lesson plan for the class tomorrow? It would be great if it included details on what we will do! Let's look at the activities."
Normal Language
"I am going to the store to buy milk."
Caveman Gibberish Language
"Grrr... Food... Big rock... Drink... Grrr..."
Normal Language
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
"Big animal fast move, big animal slow."
Normal Language
"We should probably consider a new approach."
Corporate Talk
"We recommend exploring alternative strategies."
Normal Language
"How can I fix this error?"
"Let's troubleshoot this snag!"
"I am happy"
"Go to the store"
"Go to the shop"
"Hello, sweet bird"
"Chirp, head bob, slight wing fluttering"
Normal Language
"Hello, how are you?"
cued speech hand
" (Handshape for 'H', mouth movement for 'e') (handshape for 'o', mouth movement 'w') (handshape for 'a', mouth movement 'r'), (handshape for 'e', mouth movement 'y') (handshape for 'u', mouth movement 'u')"
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"Ich bin heute Morgen früh aufgewacht"
"I woke up early this morning"
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"I had a fine time in the summer holidays"
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"I had a wonderful time during the summer holidays"
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"The squire's harsh demeanour was a source of irritation."