Middle Low German Translator
Translate from Normal Language into Middle Low German
Normal LanguageMiddle Low German
The Middle Low German Translator is designed for individuals needing to translate texts to or from this historical language. It provides a modern interface for translating a wide range of documents, including historical texts, legal documents, or creative scripts. Users can preserve important nuances in context and tone, while also benefiting from the tool's ability to translate text between a historical dialect and modern standard German as needed. The tool provides a simplified representation of Middle Low German for clarity.
Example Translations
Normal Language
Middle Low German
Normal Language
"I am fine"
Middle Low German
"Ich bin gut"
Normal Language
"Good morning"
Middle Low German
"Goeden morgen"
Normal Language
"Thank you"
Middle Low German
"Dank u"
Normal Language
"I love you"
Middle Low German
"Ich lieb dich"
Normal Language
"Where are you going?"
Middle Low German
"Wo geitstu?"